golang strings can be seen as a collection of characters. A string can be of length 1 (one character), but its usually longer. A string is always written in double qoutes.

This means a string variable in golang can hold text: words, sentences, books

Programming languages have variables. These variables have a data type A variable can be of the data type string.

String example

String variable

In the example below we use golang to print text. First define a string variable, then output the variable with the function Printf(). Make sure you have the package "fmt" imported.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var str1 =  "This is a string variable!"

Multiple lines

In Go programming, there are two ways to print multiple lines.

  • Method 1. call display function Println x times,
  • Method 2. use the newline character \n inside the string

Both of these are common in programming.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var str1 =  "This is a string variable!"

   // 1: function calls

   // 2: use newline character
   fmt.Printf("Hello World\nI am Go")  
This is a string variable!
This is a string variable!
Hello World
I am Go
Program exited.

Note: The zero value of type string is a string of zero length, that is an empty string "".

String index

The contents of the string (bytes) can be obtained by standard indexing, with an index written in parentheses [], and the index count from 0.

string indices in golang

It is important to note that this conversion scheme is valid only for strings of pure ASCII codes (not Japanese, Chinese etc).

package main
import (
func main() {
    s := "Go string example"
    for k, v := range s {
        fmt.Printf("k:%d,v:%c == %d\n", k, v, v)
k:0,v:G == 71
k:1,v:o == 111
k:2,v:  == 32
k:3,v:s == 115
k:4,v:t == 116
k:5,v:r == 114
k:6,v:i == 105
k:7,v:n == 110
k:8,v:g == 103
k:9,v:  == 32
k:10,v:e == 101
k:11,v:x == 120
k:12,v:a == 97
k:13,v:m == 109
k:14,v:p == 112
k:15,v:l == 108
k:16,v:e == 101

Note Getting the address of a byte in the string is illegal, for example: &str [i].

The string of multiple lines in the code can be spliced in the following ways.

Direct-use operators

str := "Beginning of the string " + "second part of the string"

The operator += can also be used for strings:

s := "hel" + "lo, "
s += "world!"
strings in go

The general comparison operators (==,!=, <, <=,>=, >) implement the comparison of strings by byte comparison in memory. You can get the byte length of the string by function len(), for example: len(str).

String join

To join strings, you can use the package strings which has the method .Join().

package main
import (
func main() {
    s := strings.Join([]string{"hello", "world"}, ", ")
hello, world

Program exited.

You can pass variables of different data types into the string. The example below passes an integer and a string data type:

package main
import (
func main() {
    fmt.Printf("%d:%s", 2016, "year")
Program exited.


Video tutorial below


  1. Create a program with multiple string variables
  2. Create a program that holds your name in a string.

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