golang can make choices with data. This data (variables) are used with a condition: if statements start with a condition. A condition may be (x > 3), (y < 4), (weather = rain).

What do you need these conditions for? Only if a condition is true, code is executed.

If statements are present in your everyday life, some examples: - if (elevator door is closed), move up or down. - if (press tv button), next channel

If statements in golang


The program below is an example of an if statement.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var x = 3

   if ( x > 2 ) {
      fmt.Printf("x is greater than 2");

golang runs the code block only if the condition (x >2) is true. If you change variable x to any number lower than two, its codeblock is not executed. ### Else You can execute a codeblock if a condition is not true

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var x = 1

   if ( x > 2 ) {
      fmt.Printf("x is greater than 2");
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("condition is false (x > 2)");


Video tutorial below


  1. Make a program that divides x by 2 if it’s greater than 0
  2. Find out if if-statements can be used inside if-statements.

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