Learn about pointers and memory addresses in Go. Some things are more easily done with pointers, others without. Eitherway pointers are fun to work with!

Not all programming languages support pointers, typically they are found in low level languages like C or C++. Go also supports them.


Memory addresses

Every variable is is stored in the memory and has a unique address. This can be accessed with the ampersand (&) operator.

package main                                                                                                              
import "fmt"                                                                                                              
func main() {                                                                                                             
   var x int = 5                                                                                                          
   fmt.Printf("Address of variable x: %x\n", &x  )                                                                        
   fmt.Printf("Value of variable x: %d\n", x )                                                                            

If you run the code with the command

go run program.go

You will see the program tells you the memory address and the contents in that memory address.

Something like:

Address of variable x: c4200160d8
Value of variable x: 5

The memory address will be different on your computer, value the same.


A pointer is a variable whose address is the direct memory address of another variable.

The asterisk * is used to declare a pointer. The form is:

var var_name *var-type

You have to write the variable type,

/* pointer to an integer */
var ipointer *int        

/* pointer to a float */
var fpointer *float32    

So lets see that in an example

package main                                                                                                              
import "fmt"                                                                                                              
func main() {                                                                                                             
   // variable                                                                                                            
   var x int = 5                                                                                                          
   // create pointer                                                                                                      
   var ipointer *int                                                                                                      
   // store the address of x in pointer variable                                                                          
   ipointer = &x                                                                                                          
   // display info                                                                                                        
   fmt.Printf("Memory address of variable x: %x\n", &x  )                                                                 
   fmt.Printf("Memory address stored in ipointer variable: %x\n", ipointer )                                              
   fmt.Printf("Contents of *ipointer variable: %d\n", *ipointer )                                                         

This will output something like:

Memory address of variable x: c4200160d8
Memory address stored in ipointer variable: c4200160d8
Contents of *ipointer variable: 5


  • Where are variables stored in the computer?
  • What is a pointer?
  • How can you declare a pointer?